An Update on Carla

admin/ February 14, 2013/ Communicate with Carla, Prayer Requests/ 1 comments

[From Hazel]
As you may have heard, Carla is in Stage 4 sarcoma cancer. She has three new tumors, with three on the spine. Her doctor’s name is Stephanie. Please pray for her and her team. Her biopsy is today at 2PM, Indiana time. Starting this Sunday, a group is going to start fasting on behalf of Carla and others in need of prayer. If you would like to be part of this, these are the dates:
  • Starting Sunday: February 17th through March 3rd (21 days)
  • Starting Wednesday: February 20th through March 6th (21 days)
Some were asking how it works. Please pass this on to others.
Love you all. Please pray for this group’s strength to give up this world’s ways and live our Lord’s way.
Pray for Carla: strength, courage, and healing in God’s will that He wants, and that He will use her in ways to glorify Him.
Thank you.


What is the Daniel Fast? 

The Daniel Fast is a Biblically based partial fast. It is a method of fasting that men, women and young people all over the world are using as they enter into the spiritual discipline of prayer and fasting.There are two anchoring scriptures for the Daniel Fast. In Daniel 1 the Prophet ate only vegetables (that would have included fruits) and drank only water. So from these scriptures we get two of the guidelines for the fast:

1. Only fruits and vegetables
2. Only water for a beverage

Then in Daniel 10 we read that the Prophet ate no meat nor any precious breads or foods and he drank no wine for 21 days. So from this scripture, we get a third guideline:

3. No sweeteners and no breads

Another important guideline is drawn from Jewish fasting principles, where no leaven is used during the fast. So that’s why yeast, baking powder and the like are not allowed on the Daniel Fast.

Finally, with all the above puzzle pieces, we conclude that no artificial or processed foods nor any chemicals are allowed on the Daniel Fast.

When asked about the eating plan on the Daniel Fast, I often say it is a “vegan diet with even more restrictions.”

Be sure to read the ingredients on labels of prepared foods to make sure they only include Daniel Fast friendly ingredients.

The Daniel Fast for the body, soul and spiritThe Bible teaches us that we are a spirit, we have a soul and we live in a body. The Daniel Fast affects all three parts of us as we enter into a period of time for focused prayer and fasting.The Body – Certainly our bodies are effected as our diet is changed, for some in very dramatic ways, during the Daniel Fast. Many men and women experience detoxing from caffeine, chemicals and sugar. The symptoms are most often headaches, leg cramps, fatigue and malaise.

Most people lose weight during the Daniel Fast. And many report healings from diabetes, allergies, arthritis and cancer.

The Soul – Frequently referred to as “the flesh” in the Bible, the soul is also greatly impacted during the Daniel Fast. The soul is the seat of our emotions, intellect, personality and will. It is in the “soulish realm” where we experience cravings, frustration, anger . . . and even happiness.

During the Daniel Fast, your soul may very well rebel against the dramatic change in your diet. Experiencing and winning this battle over the flesh is often one of the most powerful lessons of the Daniel Fast.

The Spirit – Our spirit is that born-again part of us that surrenders to God and then abides with the Father and the Son. Our spirit is filled with the Holy Spirit when we yield to Him. During the Daniel Fast, we want to put our spirit in charge of the other two parts of us. When our flesh is acting out with a craving, we take control of it with our spirit (just as a parent takes control of a rebellious child).

Fasting is always coupled with a spiritual goal. So during this time of fasting, you will want to focus on prayer, study and meditation.

An important question to ask yourself . . .During your Daniel Fast you will have many times when you might want to “stretch the rules” a little bit. For example, even though the guidelines say we are to drink only water . . . you conclude that herbal teas are vegetables and water is water and therefore you will go ahead and drink herbal teas during the Daniel Fast.But I encourage you to learn a powerful spiritual lesson by asking yourself (examining your heart) the question, “Why do you want the herbal teas?”

My guess is that the answer will be, “Well I just want them. I can’t drink only water. I have to have something else.”

The Daniel Fast teaches us to deny our “selves” and instead put our spirit in control over our flesh. As you plan your meals and eat your food, keep in mind that the definition of a fast is to deny food for a spiritual purpose.

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks, Hazel. This is so good. I have been so encouraged about the kids willingness to join in this time of prayer and “sacrifice”. We have sure seen it really isn’t a sacrifice, though. I praise our LORD that He has given us so many many amazing things to eat in this world. He made the world good and what a blessing that even though sin entered the world it isn’t strong enough to destroy all the good. May our LORD bless Carla – we know prayer isn’t a magical formula to manipulate God but we know that it is a way we focus on what really is important. God uses it to give us insight, direction, and encouragement. Thank YOu, LORD for loving us all so much that you give us hope in the midst of trials. In Your Son, Amen

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